Monday, January 2, 2012

This Weatherman's Out To Save Some Buck$!

Greetings West Tennesseans... and those with the misfortune of accidentally ending up on this site! Welcome to my blog, "The Savings Adventure of a Weatherman". Yep, it's a weatherman blogging about something NOT weather related. Crazy and borderline reckless? Yea probably, but this weatherman's cheap and out to save a buck!  Who wouldn't want to do that in this crummy economy...

So I've recently got into this whole "extreme couponing" thing. You may have heard of it. I think there is a show about it somewhere on TV, but I've never actually seen it. In my experience so far, extreme couponing has been the following: tedious, frustrating, annoying, embarrassing, arguably pathetic, and at times painful (papercuts). Yet, I find it fascinating and incredibly rewarding! Espeically when I find a great deal on something I can actually use...

So I'm starting up this blog to help West Tennesseans out there who, like me, are looking to save a dollar or two when doing some shopping locally. There are plenty of great online couponing sites out there right now. They give you a good "heads-up" on potential bargains at stores and we'll be referencing them alot. There's a problem though, when you hit the stores around Jackson and West Tennessee (Kroger, Target, Walmart, etc.), they may not have the same deals, or even the specific items, you're looking for!

So the weatherman is here to help. I'll tell you how to dress for the weather, then I'll tell you where to head to score some big savings at the local stores! If you have questions, comments, or maybe even find a great deal yourself you want to share... just shoot me an email: or

Stay tuned for daily/weekly updates!


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